Parrainage et inscription des exposants

Date limite : 26 mai 2023

Devenez un sponsor ou un exposant de notre conférence annuelle CSM

Bienvenue à notre conférence annuelle CSM-SCM ! Nous serions heureux que vous participiez à notre conférence annuelle en tant que sponsor ou exposant.

Les sponsors sont des contributeurs généreux qui rendent possible la conférence du CSM. En fonction du niveau de parrainage, les contributeurs doivent s’attendre à une exposition et une visibilité maximales dans notre programme, sur notre site web international et par le biais des encarts dans les sacs des délégués. Les sponsors ont également la possibilité d’organiser un atelier d’une demi-heure, de parrainer une session spécifique, une pause-café ou une conférence principale. Nous nous réjouissons de travailler avec chacun de nos sponsors afin de nous assurer qu’ils reçoivent une valeur exceptionnelle correspondant à leur généreux niveau de soutien. Veuillez noter que les sponsors ne doivent pas payer la TPS ou la TVH.

Les exposants apportent non seulement une contribution généreuse à la conférence, mais fournissent également des informations et des ressources essentielles à nos participants par le biais d’expositions et/ou d’ateliers. Des expositions, des sessions de posters et des déjeuners sont prévus pour 2 jours à partir de Les 26 et 27 juin 2023. Pour nos exposants, nous avons organisé l’emplacement des événements de manière à maximiser les contacts avec les participants à la conférence. Veuillez noter que les exposants devront payer la TPS / TVH sur tous les frais.

Devenir sponsor ou exposant

Lorsque vous êtes prêt, veuillez remplir le formulaire ci-dessous et cliquer sur le bouton « Procéder au paiement ». Vous recevrez un courriel de confirmation une fois que le CSM-SCM aura reçu votre inscription. Si vous ne recevez pas cet e-mail, veuillez vérifier votre dossier de courrier indésirable et/ou envoyer un e-mail à l’organisateur de la conférence( pour un suivi.

Exhibitor Registration

Desired Type of Support

Which Level of Support Would You Like to Provide?
Thank you for picking the Platinum Sponsorship. This means that you will be receiving the following benefits:

  • Logo on Sponsor Page
  • Website Listing
  • Delegate Bag Insert
  • Exhibitor Booth
  • Passport System
  • Complimentary Lunch
  • 1 Complimentary Registration to Attend the Scientific Sessions
  • Half-Hour Workshop
  • Named Session or Keynote
  • Named Coffee Break
Thank you for picking the Gold Sponsorship. This means that you will be receiving the following benefits:

  • Logo on Sponsor Page
  • Website Listing
  • Delegate Bag Insert
  • Exhibitor Booth
  • Passport System
  • Complimentary Lunch
  • 1 Complimentary Registration to Attend the Scientific Sessions
  • Half-Hour Workshop
Thank you for picking the Silver Sponsorship. This means that you will be receiving the following benefits:

  • Logo on Sponsor Page
  • Website Listing
  • Delegate Bag Insert
Thank you for picking the Bronze Sponsorship. This means that you will be receiving the following benefits:

  • Logo on Sponsor Page
  • Website Listing

Thank you for choosing to become an Exhibitor. This means that you will be receiving the following benefits:

  • Website Listing
  • Exhibitor Booth
  • Passport System
  • Complimentary Lunch
  • 1 Complimentary Registration to Attend the Scientific Sessions
Your Sponsorship Includes the Following Benefits. Please Select All Options You Would Like to Have:

Sponsor Contact Information

CSM Award Support Information

Thank you for your interest in supporting a CSM Award! Please contact the Conference Organizer ( to discuss the availability of awards before completing this form and to discuss naming opportunities.

If you have already confirmed the details of sponsoring an award with the Conference Organizer, you may proceed to fill out the rest of this form.

Workshop Information

Thank you for your interest in a CSM Workshop! Please contact the Conference Organizer ( to discuss the availability of a workshop before completing this form and to discuss the logistics related to the workshop.

If you have already confirmed the details of the workshop with the Conference Organizer, you may proceed to fill out the rest of this form.

Exhibitor Contact Information

Please forward the names at your earliest convenience to the Conference Organizer if not all the names are available at the time of completion of this form.

Exhibitor Booth Information

Please indicate what kind of equipment and the electric requirements you will be bringing. We need to ensure we are able to accommodate your electric needs. We will follow up with you if there will be issues that need to be taken in consideration.

Please refer to the Exhibitors & Sponsors page for more details: CLICK HERE

Please refer to the image below for a floorplan of Exhibitor Booths. You will be asked to select your top three choices of location.

Electrical Supply Required?
Using the floorplan above, pick your top 3 booth location, in order of priority (ie. #4, 10, 14)

Registration Fees

All fees are quoted in Canadian dollars (HST # R825240674). Tax is charged at 15% HST for the province of Nova Scotia.
For any special requests incurring additional charges, please contact the Conference Organizer ( prior to completion of registration.

You have indicated that you wish to have a booth, so the minimum number of booths you can select is 1.

You must have already discussed this with the Conference Organizer prior to confirming the number of Workshops you will hold. Do NOT fill out this field if you have not yet talked to the Conference Organizer about this.




Sponsorship fees are not taxable.

Payment & Cancellation Policies

Payment in Canadian funds must accompany this registration. A $150.00 administration fee will be withheld for cancellations received in writing prior to May 15, 2023. No refunds will be issued after this date.

By checking this box, I (the Exhibitor), agree to the payment and cancellation policies for the CSM-SCM conference.
Payment Method
You have chosen to pay by cheque. Please make your cheque payable to: Canadian Society of Microbiologists. All amounts must be in Canadian funds.
You have chosen to pay by E-Transfer. Payments can be made to only with Canadian banking institutes and with Canadian funds.
You have chosen to pay by credit card. Please note that a 2.5% surcharge will be added to the total amount when payment is made by credit card.


This email is where the receipt and communications will be sent
Payee Address (for Credit Card Payment)
Payee Address (for Credit Card Payment)
Postal Code / ZIP

Payment by Cheque:

Please make the cheque payable to Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM) and mail it to:

Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM)
C/O Mrs. Wafaa H. Antonious, CSM Secretariat
Rofail Conference & management Services (RCMS)
17 Dossetter Way
Ottawa, ON K1G 4S3

Payment by E-Transfer:

Payments can be made via E-Transfer to only within Canadian banking institutes and with Canadian Funds.

Credit Card
Credit Card