ISME-8 Student Travel Awards

Deadline: Refer to CSM Annual Conference Abstract Submission Deadlines

About the Award

A maximum of five travel awards in the amount of $400 each are available to cover travel to the CSM Annual Conference.  

Value of the Award: $400.00

Number of Awards: 5

Frequency of the Award: Annual – Awarded at the Annual CSM Conference

Eligibility (Level or Program of Study): Full-time Undergraduate, Graduate (M.Sc./ Ph.D.) Students with a CSM membership

  • Students must be CSM members and provide the following at the time of abstract submission:
    1. One page with a copy of the conference abstract that includes the names and addresses of all contributing authors
    2. Maximum one page description that briefly summarizes the research project(s) being conducted by the applicant – and the future career and training goals of the applicant. An explanation of how this award will benefit the applicant’s ongoing and future training should be included. Please include the full name of the applicant in the top header of the application and their institution.
  • Awards will preferentially be given to students from outside the province where the conference is being held.
  • Submissions will be evaluated by the Career Development Committee based on the conference abstract and description of research project/goals.
  • Both the abstract and 1-page research description should be submitted online through the Abstract Submission Form. Late requests will not be considered.

Past Award Winners

Congratulations to all of our past award winners!