CSM Annual Conference

Bringing together Canadian microbiologists since 1952

74th Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists

This year’s Annual Conference of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists (CSM 2025) will be held from Tuesday, June 17 till Friday June 20 at Université de Montréal, the largest francophone university of Canada. Université de Montréal is located in Montreal, the metropolis of  “La belle province” of Quebec. The Local Organizing Committee of CSM 2025 is honored to host such successful event that will showcase the excellence of the Canadian microbiology community. Our theme for this year’s meeting is “Microbiology for society”; to emphasize how Microbiology has and continue to shape the humanity since millenaries in the different field of life. The Université de Montréal recognizes that it is located on unceded Indigenous territory and wishes to acknowledge those who have been its traditional guardians for time immemorial. It expresses its respect for the contribution of Indigenous peoples to the culture of societies here and around the world.

The keynote opening lecture will be given by Dr Simonetta Gribaldo (Pasteur Institute-Paris), a world-class specialist on evolutionary biology of microbial cells. Every session will open with an invited lecture given by an established or a junior investigator. Additional presenters, including post-doctoral fellows and graduate students, will be selected among the submitted abstracts. Our program includes twelve symposia that covers the three sections of the Canadian Society of Microbiologists: Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Infection and Immunity and Molecular Genetics and Cellular Microbiology.

Not only will we have an exceptional scientific program but we will also make sure that your experience in Montréal is worthwhile! Montreal is a unique North American city with a rich and diversified cultural heritage. The largest city of the province of Quebec offers also a unique experience during summer featuring a vibrant array of festive programming.

We look forward to hosting you at Université de Montréal for CSM 2025!


CSM 2025 Conference Chair Dr. Adnane Sellam, and LOC members;

Drs Marylise Duperthuy, and Frédérique Le Roux

Mrs. Wafaa H. Antonious, Conference Organizer

About the CSM Annual Conference

Organizing Committee & Theme

Learn about the local organizing committee and this year’s theme for the conference.


Register for our upcoming conference! Please remember to purchase or renew your membership before registering for the conference to enjoy discounted rates and benefits!

Program & Schedule

Take a look at what events and talks we have scheduled at our annual conference.

Poster Presentation & Competition

Awards are available for students with the best posters in our upcoming conference.

Student Symposium Competition

Intended to offer microbiology trainees at various stages the opportunity to highlight their research achievements with their peers at the annual CSM conference.

Postdoctoral Research Symposium

Recognizing excellence in scientific research and communication from CSM postdoctoral research fellows. Only 1 award available from Knowles Alumni Fund.

Sponsor & Exhibitor Registration

Support our dynamic conference by becoming a sponsor or showcasing your company, product, and service to a broad audience of scientists who have similar interests in microbiology!

Available Awards

We have numerous awards available at our conference, from keynote speakers to trainee awards. Check out the large list of awards we have for our society.

Past Conferences

The first CSM-SCM conference was held in 1952 and has grown since then in size and reach. View our history of conferences and highlights from each event.