Microbiology Resources
Providing resources to our trainees, from graduate school tips to various publications
Resources for Our Trainees: Undergraduates, Graduates, and Post-Doctoral Fellows
Our team at CSM-SCM has put together a collection of resources for our trainees to browse through based on their interested. Get tips on graduate school, read information on navigating the pathways towards faculty positions, and see what societies are available for you to join based on your field of interest.
- Association of Universities and Colleges of Canada (database)
- Canada
- J.H. Stewart Reid Memorial Fellowship Trust
- Canada
- A minimum scholarship of $5,000 is awarded annually to a student registered in a doctoral program at a Canadian university.
- Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
- Canada
- Student Financial Aide – Minister of Education, Leisure and Sport
- Provincial
- Studentawards (register to access this comprehensive database)
- Canada
Related Microbiology and Scientific Societies
- American Society for Microbiology
- Association of Medical Microbiology and Infectious Disease (AMMI) Canada
- Biological and Chemical Defence Review Committee website
- Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
- Canadian College of Microbiologists
- Canadian Institute of Food Science and Technology
- Canadian Society for Immunology
- CIHR Institute of Infection and Immunity
- International Center for Scientific Research (CIRS)
- International Council for Science (ICSU)
- International Union of Microbiological Societies
- Society for General Microbiology in the United Kingdom
- A Ph.D. is not enough! A guide to survival in science.
- Feibelman, Peter J. 1993. Perseus Publishing, Cambridge, MA, 109 pages.
- Alternative Careers in Science
- Robbins-Roth, C. 1998. Academic Press, San Diego, CA, 267 pages
- This book can be useful for graduate students considering careers outside academia, in fields as diverse as technical writing, science journalism, patents and policy development.
- At the Bench: A Laboratory Navigator
- Barker, K. 1998. Cold Sprint Harbor Laboratory Press, Plainview, NY, 460 pages
- This could be a useful introduction to the lab environment for new students.
- Guide to Non Traditional Careers in Science
- Young-Kreeger, K. 1999. Taylor & Francis, Philadelphia, PA, 263 pages
- This book can be useful for graduate students considering careers outside academia, in fields as diverse as technical writing, science journalism, patents and policy development.
- How to succeed in graduate school
- How to succeed in graduate school: by Marie desJardins
- Making the right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty
- This is a great manual from the Howard Hughes Institute that is free to download. It includes advice mostly geared towards new faculty, but with many useful sections for anyone working in a lab or looking to make their next career move.
- PhDs.org: Science, Math, and Engineering Career Resources
- This website has lots of information on topics such as career advancement, networking, women in science, communication skills etc.
Other Resources for Microbiologists
- Aspergillus website
- This site is dedicated to providing the best information to professionals on most medical & scientific aspect of this fungus.
- ATCC (American Type Culture Collection)
- EC Enyzme database
- EcoCyc: Encyclopedia of E. coli Genes and Metabolism
- List of bacterial names with standing in nomenclature
- Meetings, exhibitions, training courses and conferences listing.
- Microbe Zoo
- Microbes.info
- Publish like a pro
- Article: Publish like a pro, Written by: Kendall Powell, Journal name: Nature, Volume:467, Pages: 873–875, Year published: (2010), Published online13 October 2010
- This article was originally published in the journal Nature, it offers some very useful and encouraging advice on writing scientific papers, and how to avoid pitfalls to publication.
- PubMed
- The Center for Microbial Ecology