ASM Best Poster Layout Award
Deadline: See CSM Annual Conference Abstract Submission Deadline
About the Award
The American Society for Microbiology (ASM) provides one-year free membership, an eBook from its bookstore and a framed certificate for the best poster layout. The award winner will be announced and presented with the framed certificate at the CSM President Banquet. After the conference, the award winner should contact CSM Secretariat to facilitate contacting ASM for the eBook and the ASM membership.
Value of the Award: The ASM Best Poster Layout award will consist of:
- A one-year membership to the ASM
- Up to $100 credit at the ASM bookstore
- An ASM plaque

Past Award Winners
Congratulations to all of our past award winners for the ASM Best Poster Layout Award!
- 2024: Rachel Beaver, University of Waterloo
- 2023: Luke Barretto, University of Alberta
- 2022: Ikram Qaderi, McMaster University
- 2021: Victoria Wilson, University of Guelph
- 2019: Carolin Brand, University of Sherbrooke
- 2018: Wing Yin Venus Lau, Simon Fraser University
- 2017: Patricia Miller, University of Toronto
- 2016: Shalabh Thakur, University of Toronto
- 2015: Lisa Johnson, University of Saskatchewan
- 2014: Laam li, McGill University
- 2013: Ahmad Mahmoud, University of Ottawa
- 2012: Joris van der Heijden, University of British Columbia
- 2011: Saima Sidik, Dalhousie University
- 2010: Janet Lin, Queen's University
- 2009: Felix Hugentobler, McGill University
- 2008: Jenna Capyk, University of British Columbia