CSM Undergraduate Awards

Date limite : 17 January, 2025

About the Award

The CSM Undergraduate Awards recognize outstanding promise in an undergraduate student for early career contributions to microbiology and to encourage continued interest in microbiology and student engagement with the CSM. Up to six awards are given, valued at $500 each. The award is accompanied by a certificate of merit.

Value of the Award: $500.00 + Certificate

Number of Awards: 6

Frequency of the Award: Annual

Eligibility: Full-time Undergraduate Student Enrolled in a Canadian University with a CSM membership

Application Contact: CSM Secretariat at info@csm-scm.org

Nomination Criteria & Award Application

Any faculty member of a Canadian university may nominate one full-time student for this award each year. The student must be a CSM member at the time of nomination. Nomination letters must be accompanied by a 1-page (single-space, 12pt font, 2 cm margins) essay by the nominee called “Why the study of microbiology is big science” in addition to an unofficial transcript of the nominee. Essays will be evaluated on how ‘big science’ is defined, on the clarity of the central argument(s) for why the study of microbiology is a ‘big science’, the quality and use of example(s) justifying the argument(s) posed, and how microbiology impacts their own career development/ plans. 

Applications must be submitted through the form below prior to the deadline. Nominations will be evaluated by the Education and Careers Committee based on the student essay, academic performance, and the nominating letter.

A photograph of the recipient receiving the award certificate must be submitted for use on the CSM website within one month of presenting the award.

CSM Award – Undergraduate

Maximum file size: 104.86MB

Nomination packages must include: a 1-page (single-space, 12pt font, 2cm margin) essay by the nominee called “Why the study of microbiology is big science” as well as an unofficial transcript of the nominee.

Past Award Winners

Congratulations to all of our past award winners for the CSM Undergraduate Awards!

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