Terry Beveridge Poster Competition Award
Deadline: Refer to CSM Annual Conference Abstract Submission Deadlines
About the Award
Dr. Terry Beveridge was a strong supporter of the CSM, always an advocate for excellence in student research and in communication of their work. He participated as a reviewer of poster and oral presentations and was enthusiastically supportive of recognizing outstanding achievements. Following his death in 2007, his colleagues in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology established a scholarship fund to help graduate students expand their knowledge in the field of microbiology. Terry’s family and his colleagues in the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at the University of Guelph have worked with the CSM to transfer the Terry Beveridge Memorial Scholarship Fund for administration by the CSM in support of graduate student activities. The Terry Beveridge Memorial Scholarship Fund is now sponsoring awards of $500 each for 3 meritorious poster presentations at the annual CSM conference. As of the 2013 CSM Conference, the poster competition will be named the Beveridge Poster competition and three awards will be presented to the best student, first/senior authored posters at the CSM Annual conference.
Value of the Award: $500 + Framed Certificate
Number of Awards: 3
Frequency of the Award: Annual – Determined at the CSM Annual Conference Poster Competition
Eligibility: M.Sc. and Ph.D. Graduate students with a CSM membership
Application Contact: CSM Secretariat at info@csm-scm.org
Nomination Information: Awards adjudicated by competitions held during the Annual CSM-SCM Conference

About Terry Beveridge
Terry Beveridge was a Professor of Microbiology at the University of Guelph for 29 years where he developed many approaches using electron microscopy to understand bacterial structure. Terry’s focus on microbes began at the University of Toronto where he completed both B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees, his M.Sc in the lab of Dr. M. Goldner working on anaerobes associated with periodontal disease. In 1974 he began his PhD at the University of Western Ontario under the supervision of R. G. E. (Bob) Murray. Terry’s interest in the application of electron microscopy was sparked in Dr Murray’s lab and developed into a lifetime passion. Terry’s time at Western and his work with Dr Murray and his colleagues in the Murray lab resulted in 8 publications in his first 4 years and several more in subsequent years as Terry was getting established at the University of Guelph. Using electron microscopy as his foundation, Terry developed a wide range of collaborations including chemists, physicists, and microbiologists, thereby exposing his own students to a breadth of approaches that could serve as a definition of multidisciplinary research. A large number of undergraduate, graduate and postdoctoral fellows were mentored by Terry, always with a guiding patience (well, almost always patient) that encouraged independent thought and innovative approaches.
Terry published extensively during his career, producing over 260 peer-reviewed journal articles, more than 60 books, book chapters and reviews, and gave numerous guest lectures, travelling worldwide. He also held several visiting professorships, carried out consulting work and was active on many scientific committees. In addition to contributing to the scientific literature, he was also instrumental in maintaining its quality, serving as editor of the Journal of Bacteriology for several years and as a contributing editor to a wide range of scientific journals. Terry was the recipient of many awards including the Canadian Council’s Killam Prize, Fellowship in the Royal Society of Canada, Fellowship in the American Academy of Microbiology, a Culling Medal from the U.S. National Society of Histology for unraveling the chemistry of the Gram stain and was the first microbiologist to win the prestigious Steacie Prize, awarded by the National Research Council to outstanding scientists under 40 years old. Terry was awarded the Roche Diagnostic CSM Award for career achievement in 1994. In 2002, he received a Canada Research Chair in the Structure of Microorganisms. As his research evolved, Terry became a leading figure in the science of Geomicrobiology and in specialized applications of electron microscopy that brought us amazing images. In 2009 a newly discovered bacterium was named in honour of Terry. The isolation and characterization of Bacillus beveridgei is first described in Extremophiles (2009) 13:695–707. Terry contributed enormously to the Canadian microbiology scene and the CSM is grateful for the opportunity to honour his achievements via the Beveridge Poster Competition.
Past Award Winners
Congratulations to all of our past award winners for the Terry Beveridge Poster Award!
- 2024: Christine Macpherson, University of Toronto | Margot Dessartine, Université de Sherbrooke | Karyn Mukiri, McMaster University
- 2023: Jocelyn Plouffe, University of Manitoba | Veronica Tran, McMaster University | Amna Abbas, McMaster University
- 2022: Rabia Fatima, McMaster University | Abhimanyu DasGupta, University of Toronto | Esteban Gongora, McGill University
- 2021: Shelby Reimer, University of Manitoba | Avery Robinson, University of Guelph | Sara Vancuren, University of Guelph
- 2019: Simon Boudreault, Université de Sherbrooke | Rivard Nicolas, Université de Sherbrooke | David Touchette, McGill University
- 2018: Rebecca Co, University of Waterloo | Andrew Hogan, University of Manitoba | Marie-Laurence Lemay, Université Laval
- 2017: Danielle Williams, University of Guelph | Elizabeth Chau, McMaster University | Jackson Tsuji, University of Waterloo
- 2016: Xinda Lu, University of Waterloo | Sabrina Stanley, University of Toronto | Lindsey Marmont, University of Toronto
- 2015: Karen Gonzalez, University of Guelph | Najwa Zebian, Western University | Eduardo Mitter, University of Saskatchewan
- 2014: Cedric Brimacombe, University of British Columbia | Joseph Zeppa, Western University | Rhiannon Wallace, University of British Columbia
- 2013: Annika Flint, University of Ottawa | Patrick Moynihan, University of Guelph | Ryan Chanyi, University of Western Ontario