CSM Members' Event Support
Supporting and promoting events led by CSM-SCM members across Canada
Plan a Microbiology Event at Your School!
The Canadian Society of Microbiologists has a line-item in the CSM budget for $5000 (subject to projected financial standing of the society on an annual basis) to support member-associated events. Of this, $2000 will be dedicated to student centered events (with requests from student members), and $3000 will be dedicated to general member-associated events.
The application for support must come from a CSM member in good standing, and must detail how the event aligns with the CSM mandate of advancing all aspects of microbiology, and facilitating the exchange of ideas between microbiologists. The application must also outline the financial ask, a detailed description of how the funds would be used, and a description of how CSM support would be acknowledged. Under normal circumstances, requests of up to $1000 will be considered. Extraordinary requests for larger sums may be considered if sufficient justification is provided. Please note that funding at any level is not guaranteed.
The CSM will prioritize support for:
- events held in Canada
- events that benefit or feature students/HQP/trainees
- events that may be attended by a number of CSM members
- CSM student/PDF attendance at international meetings
- symposium/speaker sponsorship within conferences organized by CSM members
A post-event report (maximum of 1 page) will be required within three months of event completion, detailing how the funds were used, and how CSM support was acknowledged.
Applications must describe the event for which funds are being requested and clearly outline how the funding will be used. An estimate of the number of current CSM members participating (full members, PDFs, student) should be indicated, as well as the anticipated number of people involved in the event. Those applying for the funding must be CSM members.
Applications must be submitted to the CSM Secretariat or using the form below, and final decisions on funding awards will be made by the CSM Executive.
Applications for funding will be accepted between September – March. Notifications of awards will occur by November 30th and March 31st. If funds allow, applications will be considered after March on a rolling basis.
There is a finite budget associated with event support (which can vary from year to year), and thus members are encouraged to submit applications in the fall, as decisions are made on a first come, first served basis.