ThermoFisher Award

Date limite : 12 May, 2024

About the Award

This award is given to stimulate and recognize new researchers in the microbiological sciences. The award comprises of complementary registration to the annual conference, $1,500.00, and an inscribed scroll.

CSM would like to thank Thermo Fisher Scientific for their ongoing support of this award. Their commitment and service to microbiological research and teaching in Canada is much appreciated.

Thermo Fisher Logo

Value of the Award: $1500 + Complimentary Registration to the CSM Annual Conference & Framed Certificate

Number of Awards: 1

Frequency of the Award: Annual

Eligibility: By the deadline of the award application date, applicants must be members of the CSM/CSM. They must also be EITHER (1) no more than 5 years from their first independent research position or (2) no more than 10 years from their last degree in the field of Microbiology or a related science. Eligible leaves of absence (e.g., parental leave, medical leave, bereavement) taken during the period of eligibility will be credited as twice the amount of time taken. The nominee must have made an outstanding contribution to research or to the development of the discipline for which the award is made and must still be actively engaged in this work.

Application Contact: CSM Secretariat at

Nomination Information: Download Here

Past Award Winners

Congratulations to all of our past award winners for the ThermoFisher Award!